
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pamela Rosenkranz at Karma International

Pamela Rosenkranz at Karma International

The ham-fisted literalness of the symbolic desubmlimation is endearing. Taking viagra and spraying paint? A “serum-like polyester medium”? On Aluminum? Like a Paul Mcarthy Painter conducting Rob Pruitt jest, its a nosegay for painting’s seminal male vestige. Taking Viagra to paint? it would be funny if it weren’t so embarrassingly literal. But its self-debauch rendering the shame neuter in the meta-irony of self-flagellatory act.
And the Press Release is fun to read: “Viagra has acted as a substitute for alternative remedies and saved many animals that might have been poached... Tiger Penis Soup for example...”
“How does ingesting Viagra then affect the act, the painting? Under the influence of the Sildenafil... Those who observed .. say that her complexion appeared to glow with a strange red flush.”
It's like every high school boy's childhood bedroom.