
Monday, February 22, 2016

Larry Poons at Michael Jon & Alan

Larry Poons at Michael Jon

The boringness of Google's "Deep Dream" project was in making explicit the pareidolia friction latent, hidden in carpets and noise and always threatened distrust in seeing, those momentary misrecognitions and ghosts in corners. Humans are apophenic machines - made to "see things." The inkblot innuendo was an essential of abstraction that was far too impure for post-war painting to deal with, it would have limited abstraction to the mere human, like Cecily Brown's meaty innuendos, very untranscendent, when people were throwing around the possibility of universals. Op-art was a cheap imitation of the purer form's sanctity; Op-art rested on physiologic parlor tricks rather than the more strict and thus universal forms of abstraction that could communicate with dolphins and gods.

See too: Ann Veronica Janssens at Bortolami