
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Past: Ann Craven

"A disposability, amassment, like pages in diary, sketches in a notebook, kleenexes to breeze, dust to the wind. Cheapness enhances their temporality ... They come pre-wounded as chintz."

" Surely if one cares to paint the moon this many times, one cares. The clock critiqued with an On Kawara style of deliberation: accumulation. Irony tempered by luxury fordist production."

"Is this Stockholm syndrome, or has Painting simply filled with her derivatives making Craven's appear buoyant, floating on her lineage. Even what had seemed so saccharine, seems now somehow tastefully polite. Or a literal process of desensitization, Craven's endlessly repeated imagery eventually producing "diminished emotional responsiveness to a negative,"...   a coping apathy toward any repeated stimulus, called "learned helplessness in rats."

Read full: Ann Craven at KARMA, Ann Craven at Confort ModerneAnn Craven at Southard ReidAnn Craven at KARMA & Léopold Rabus at Wilde