
Friday, May 27, 2016

Elaine Cameron-Weir at VENUS Los Angeles

Elaine Cameron-Weir at VENUS Los Angeles

"snake with sexual interest in own tail,"describing an onanistic ouroboros, oneself as sex object, bent in half autoerotically, folded in a mirror we devour ourselves, reflected in the blue light of narcissus's new glass pond, in our hands cupped holding ourself scrolling up and down vigorously on our electrically charged glass skinned self, in cupped bivalves on half shell the mouthfeel of genitals, with salt, lemon and myrrh. In a techno-seance eliciting the same sexiness muscles cars once did, a sexual response. In Pier Paolo Calzolari, who also used clams and neon, in an impoverished art not quite meeting the new alchemical conjuring of the spirituality we connect to the iPhone. "In using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) tests, my team looked at subjects’ brain activity as they viewed consumer images involving brands like Apple and Harley-Davidson and religious images like rosary beads and a photo of the pope. We found that the brain activity was uncannily similar when viewing both types of imagery."

See too: Tony Conrad's Glass“RR ZZ” at Gluck50“Flat Neighbors” at Rachel Uffner, Ajay Kurian at Rowhouse Project