
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Peter Wächtler, Sam Pulitzer at House of Gaga and Reena Spaulings Fine Art


Interesting, the discrepancy in images from those on CAD versus those on Gaga/Reena's site. CAD heavy on Wächtler's material pups but containing none of Pulitzer's drawings that the gallery itself hosts. E.g. looking at CAD alone, don't get any of the Avocado replacing its face, the sprue and puzzled home, the Twin-Peaks-like stoplight. Instead loads of install. An inconvenience since the drawings of both are illustrative, showcase a similar interest in iconography and information as formal devices that lead the viewer in providing nowhere to go. So clearly defined, and yet entirely without context they self-alienate. Sure you might right recognize the PBS kids logo, and a Volcano is a volcano, but set into this cold world of ironized art (I mean the display racks jeeze) they contain a sort of neuter uselessness that doesn't mitigate an ability to still point however vacuous it may be. Images which lovely connote but don't mean.

See too: Sam Pulitzer at Real Fine Arts