
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

John Miller at Meliksetian | Briggs


What was so flashy twinkling across televisual space is frozen as the wallpaper of painting and hideous: television zazzle becomes the bad struggle to taxidermy it. The Price is Right, running for over half a century, has done something right commanding midmorning viewers through a Vegas labyrinth watching guesses at the price of garbage, but Miller's focus on the chintz is as much an attack on painting as much as any politics of mass entertainment premised on the evaluation of commodities. This the point surely. Because the television game is no different from the majority of dealers and collectors also guessing the eventual price or status of the painting before you. The critic/viewer only plays into the game because the paintings are dead, and bodies assessing providing breaths for its life support. The transpositional point where glitz is equal to the stagnant monochromes.