
Monday, June 4, 2018

Charles Ray at Matthew Marks


Finally finding a material to embody the mercurialness previously only conceptual seemingly allowing the more banal subject recent, finally treating the human as the minimalist cubes - forms nudged to psychedelia, reflective folds in aluminum just phantasmically melting before you. Terminator 2 spent an equally exorbitant budget to give the T1000 its technologically advanced look, seeing archetypal forms rendered in technologic detail exquisite. A certain mole mentioned in the PR. Think before how a circular partition of wall was - though seemingly not - spinning at speed. The formal becomes archetypes of antiquity frozen, like stock images with an abject specificity of a certain mole mentioned in the PR. They look boring in photograph because the gloss of expense occludes the humans as means. But “One could say I’ve spent a great deal of time making very little of my subject matter.”