
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Past: B. Wurtz

"that the details aren't trivial. They are the attachments of care, sewing buttons to close coats around a warmth for when another person can't.  Wurtz's more homely space is all about knots tied, and buttons threaded, plastic bags hung to dry. They're dumb objects rescued by so much care like a responsibility shown for them."

"The American Gym Sock. Tied to teenage boys, normally repositories of filth, seed, and feet, normally locker room attire. a pubescent attire. Pimples and athletics, is here given a fastidious clean, highlighting its cotton and comfort, restoring purity, virginal phallus and receiver of course."

Paul P., B. Wurtz at Cooper ColeB. Wurtz at Lulu“The Crack-Up” at Room East (B. Wurtz)B. Wurtz at Metro Pictures