
Monday, September 16, 2019

N. Dash at Casey Kaplan


These are bit more compositionalized, more arty, but at base they are still the butterflies, material, pinned behind glass, catalogs of physical sensations you see but cannot touch. Materiality porn. "...a very modern problem, our world, mediated by screens, the totality of which becomes enshrined in gallery or touch screen glass, and art is the world's development project in all the ways to [build] a materiality so strong it visually empaths itself, that we could actually feel something through glass.""[these,] images, unable to be tactile, to make sensuality palpable irrupts strange fetishes: pornography must materialize its sensitivities by finding visual equivalents for touch. " "Bodies that photograph well." "Our touch, now more than ever, comes from sight, comes from packages of it in the high definition of images and advertising, we feel through sight"

Olga Balema at High Art (2) Olga Balema at High Art (1) Olga Balema at Bridget Donahue, Daniel Lefcourt at Blum & Poeektor garcia at Cooper ColeN. Dash at Casey Kaplan