
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pilvi Takala at Centre for Contemporary Arts

Pilvi Takala at Centre for Contemporary Arts

Takala's The Committee, is a story of children given fantastical power faced with the continually dwindling possibilities of real: a child's unfathomable wealth, 7000£, quickly grinding down and halting the committee. The fantastic cannot be realized. One child equates the once impossible amount to a mere 7 iPhones. It's not enough for everyone. Unblinkered several children move quickly through history proposing different corporate schemes to generate profits with websites and business models (already envisioning themselves receiving discounts on fees) to sustain their wants, and the whole thing moving from open possibility to well-trod territory with a patterned timing. Watching the death of the possible in people so young raises questions of whether this is simply precocious social replication of the status quo, or whether capitalism is just natural to us and there really is limited amount of practical means and invention in world. The children, in the end, get a single -albeit large - bouncy castle.
The limits of invention are apt to both art's open escapes (eyerollingly) and Pivli for whom most of the films generously on view here each take their genre from established entertainment, candid camera shows, Kids Say the Darndest Things, prank videos, etc. Meaning while actual modes within possibility might be limited, that its all about how you work within the framework. The children, in the end, get a single - albeit large - bouncy castle.