
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Carol Bove, Carlo Scarpa at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

Carol Bove/Carlo Scarpa at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

So as to encounter the whole no individual thing could be too interesting, Modernist Architecture's elegance was blankness sliding eyes away from any particular to encounter an entirety, but Scarpa's bent version was filled with particularities, rather than decoration, as a means to emphasize itself. The awkwardness inscribed the elegance, like all those supermodels with strabismus. And this Particularness is the commons between the two, a hyptrophied aspect of modernism looking baroque within its narrow view, everything overly attended to.  Bove's looking not so much plain but obsessive, fetishistic attention toward the display, like the objects are beautiful but wouldn't the objects be more beautiful if they were wearing some organic leather strapping or tied down.