Little leg syndrome, the flat and thin things from that time, the late 00's, Gedi Sibony, Ian Khaer, Dike Blair, Sosnowska, Pumhösl, Djordjadze, et al., everyone having these fragile objects carefully held on stilts and legs, over rugs, levitating things off the floor and potted plants in Broodthaer's resurging mis-en-scene faux Décors. Everyone invested in tableaus, of feng-shui industrial animism. Fried's theaters run though home decor staging's emptiness. Morphing into today's "speculative materials." Reinvesting in the material sited. Djordjadze's thin legged fragility looked, after the conquest of Ikea, libidinal. Reestablishing fragility in industrial forms we all wanted so bad. Petite arrangements of decor.