
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Past: Ghislaine Leung

"...the gradual creep of its suspicion ... cold cut ominousness. Why must the light be blackout? Why the floor silenced? Why does the carriage require staves? The creep builds suspicion: a house haunted under glistening sterile light. A crime scene scrubbed, we, detectives."

"... is hard not to read as a fear of these conveniences, submissiveness, actually infiltrating us, until we became, if not kitchen appliances ourselves, at least frighteningly subservient molded to kitchen surrounding us. ... Such that options for expression become limited by the cultural detritus available in stores.  You join in union, with a multitude, a choir, signing 'THE BOSS'..."

"... a meaning dissociated. 'an emotional response repeatedly evoked in situations in which the action tendency that is associated with the emotion proves irrelevant or unnecessary' causes desensitization. 'WELCOME'"

Read full: Ghislaine Leung at CabinetGhislaine Leung at Chisenhale & Essex StreetGhislaine Leung at Künstleraus StuttgartGhislaine Leung at Museum Abteiberg