
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Lauren Halsey at David Kordansky Gallery


Like Silly Putty to newsprint, like Orozco rolling gum across the City, the katamari of art accumulates its displays, content. Gathers the city, reroutes it back into the Museum. A cultural enrichment program for its whiteness.  With an appreciation for the sign painter, whose vernacular form does what Painting cannot: communicate without pretense, anxiety. The sign painter functions, the artist does not. "They start to scratch at what we crave: not looking like art. Because art is mannered, stillborn, cliche." The long history of artists wanting to be anything but. Not here of course, this is art. 

see too: Gedi Sibony at The ArsenaleDavid Ostrowski at SundogsMark Grotjhan at Karma