Cross breeding the techno-erudite with the new organo-wastes' bio-assemblage.
A strain of SimonDennyBenSchumacherYujiAgematsuOlgaBelamaDavidDuordMichaelESmithNancyLupoTimursiQin connocotion.
Something abusrdly erotic about organic waster smeared metal. The eroticism of Arnold with his face torn, hulking muscle revealing clean hard innard, our cyborg wishes, for hulking organo-flesh covering liquid hard skeletons, this weekend's boxoffice providing statiscal enumeration evidentiary of our latent cultural desire.
Ben Schumacher at Musee d’art contemporain de Lyon, David Douard at Johan Berggren, Simon Denny at Portikus, Nancy Lupo at Wallspace, Michael E Smith at Lulu, Yuji Agematsu at Real Fine Arts