Not mere post-medium conditions - which remain converging into personal style's habitus - but post-identity: Artist's exhibitionist diaspora whose manufactured sign-confliction is its premise. Instead of objects pointing "towards" a content, it shows a network of objects whose sense lies in the uneasy relationships of its contents, the "signs that it employs." A For-Hire stitching of an assemblage identity of its "employed": the "various sign systems as a kind of artistic material; letters, numbers, actors, brands, and cultures, are overlapped and overlaid as Lara creates her recombinant objects". The confounding of signs to be worn like badges toward identity subterfuge, fleeing identity, a new form of cool. Everybody's doing it:
Goshka Macuga at Rüdiger Schöttle, Annette Kelm at Andrew Kreps, Darren Bader at Andrew Kreps, Jana Euler at Kunsthalle Zurich, Kaspar Müller at Federico Vavassori