CAD never explains why things are important but Hershmann should be paid attention to not for this exhibition but for her resurgence now showing in Dreamlands: her forecasting much of the renderstentialist video and robot art of today's youth. Skip these images and go watch a low quality online sample of her work Seduction of a Cyborg and then everything else and see all the foreshadowing of Moulton's mock techno-spiritual, Wolfson's sex robots, Atkins' authorial monologue and sound cuts, Rose's affective slippages, Steryl's anti-comedy, Cortright's digital Sherman-esque subject construction, James Richards affective collaging, etc. etc. It's all there.
See too: Shana Moulton at Kunsthaus Glarus, Jordan Wolfson at David Zwirner, Rachel Rose at High Art, Ed Atkins at Serpentine Gallery, Petra Cortright at Société