"This sense of content being astray has to do also with the process’ vying for significance."
Call the exhibition Clue. The puzzles of today's painting in which their individuated flat symbols present a real mystery of a subject. Looking like de Chirico designed a board game. Soviet Realism for the icon age, new devotional painting. Colonel Rublev in the museum with a candlestick.
Click these: Caleb Considine at Massimo de Carlo, Jutta Koether at Bortolami, Jana Euler at Kunsthalle Zürich, Mathew Cerletty at Office Baroque, Annette Kelm at Meyer Kainer, Annette Kelm at Gio Marconi, Jesse Chapman at Algus Greenspon, Kaspar Müller at Federico Vavassori, Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda at 356 Mission, Jesse Benson at Michael Benevento, Venice: Victor Man at The Central Pavilion, Group Show at Mary Mary, Gina Litherland at Corbett vs. Dempsey, Emily Mae Smith at Rodolphe Janssen, Milano Chow at Mary Mary, Leidy Churchman at Koelnischer Kunstverein, Allison Katz at Gio Marconi, Adriana Lara at Algus Greenspon